Donate to ABC Friends

Why support us?

  • The ABC is under very serious threat – from politicians, commercial media organisations and certain lobby groups.
  • The ABC is the most trusted, admired and valued national institution.
  • Large scale sackings have already occurred due to Government cuts to the ABC budget and more are planned.
  • ABC Friends are working hard with parliamentarians to build political support.

The campaign is more important than ever – please help. The louder our voice, the greater our influence. Let your friends, family and colleagues know about the campaign by sharing this information.

More ways to donate...

  • We also accept bank transferscheques and money orders.
  • Please complete the printable form here and send it to us by email or Australia Post (details on form).
  • To donate by bank transfer, our details are:
    ABC Friends / BSB: 033305 / a/c no: 246125 / Please use your surname and postcode as the reference unless you want anonymity.
  • Alternatively, please call the Office on 1300 108 126 and leave your phone number. We will call you back and lodge your credit card details directly with our bank.