A healthy, independent, and comprehensive national public broadcaster is critical to Australia’s democracy and identity. The ABC’s independence – from political and commercial influence – enables it to report without fear or favour.

The ABC’s Charter ensures that the ABC broadcasts programs that contribute to a sense of national identity, inform educate and entertain, reflect cultural diversity, and promote the Australian performing arts sector.

The ABC also plays a vital role in broadcasting information to communities during times of emergencies such as bushfires and floods.

To provide the quality and reliability Australians need, the ABC must be adequately funded by the Federal Government.

ABC Friends seeks to raise awareness of funding threats to the ABC.

ABC Friends Victoria

ABC Friends Victoria engages in activities to raise awareness and inspire action to fight for the ABC. The organisation is a non-partisan, not for profit, volunteer and membership-based organisation.

ABC Friends has local groups across Victoria which provide vital local engagement and support.

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