ABC Friends Victoria needs to appoint a (voluntary) Volunteer Coordinator. After many years of admirable service, Rosie Spear has retired from the position (she remains on our Committee of Management) and we are seeking a replacement.
The role is primarily that of matching volunteers to needed tasks at the state level of ABC Friends. Quite a lot of our 3,000+ members volunteer at the local level, via membership of groups, arranging meetings and events, and/or actively campaigning and advocating. The state office puts them in touch with their local group, and their engagement is managed at the local level. However there are also volunteers (who indicate their interest via our website) who we cannot connect with a local group but who are offering to help. The ABCFV Volunteer Coordinator’s task is to match their skills and interests to the state-wide needs of the organisation. The volunteer tasks to be coordinated could include envelope stuffing, office minding, data updating, membership follow up, event organisation, and others which emerge as needed.
There are no specific qualifications required for the position, and the workload is variable. The Coordinator would need to be member of and experienced with ABC Friends Victoria, enjoy working with people, and committed to strengthening the ABC.
For further information or to express interest in the position please contact Michael Henry, ABCFV President via the office.
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